Important suggestion for students and parents

Important suggestion for students and parents

Education work sheet

“Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them.”
― Paul Hawken

  • At least give 20 minutes on your hand-writing e.g 5 mint for curvature, 5 mint for straight and circle, 10 mint for writing
  • At least give 20 minutes for Urdu reading and 20 minutes for English reading with note down new vocabulary.
  • At least give one hour for school work in normal days but at the time of test or examination please give at least 3 to 4 hours, breakup I will define in lecture.
  • At least give one hour for Kun consultancy work.
  • Please adopt relaxation habits not distraction habits.
  • Please adopt proper physical exercise, at least 30 mints.
  • Not give more than one hour and thirty mints for (breakfast+lunch+dinner).
  • Not give more than 30 mints for bathing.
  • Not give more than 6 hrs for sleeping.
  • Please adopt habit of Namaz.

Please adopt habit of creativity with discipline

Consultancy about the education of children

Consultancy about the education of children

Present era is the era of education, not only text or schooling but also other than school, according to my research and suggestion plan or design daily schedule of your child and also try to analyse it by any consultant, following are example sheet of plan:


Day 006

  1. Camouflage : to deceive, to disguise.e.g (i) Having seen the lion, the coward hunter camouflaged himself with leaves and branches.
  2. Rome was not built in a day:great results cannot be obtained in a short period,patience is required in the production of anything valuable. e.g (i) It will take time to establish your reputation as a surgeon. You cannot sow and reap all at once. Remember that Rome was not built in a day.
  3. How to hand-wash/rub


Day 007

  1. Covort : jump about excitedly e.g (i) The dog having seen its master cavorted around.
  2. Stone throwing: finding fault with one’s neighbours.e.g (i) The stone-throwing spirit is not in keeping with the principles of Islam.
  3. Difference between in and into

Day 008

  1. Circumscribe: confine e.g (i) A terrible illness circumscribed him to bed for a year.
  2. Spin out : to prolong to a tedious length. e.g (i) He spun out his lecture till his audience was wearied.
  3. Differrenc between proper noun and common noun.

Day 009

  1. Cloud :cause something to become (i) Too much whisky clouded his judgement.

Spoil something e.g (i) The bitter agreement clouded their friendship.

  1.  To take to task : to reprove e.g (i) Take him to task for his idleness.
  2. IQ game.

Day 010

  1. Cling : stick to something e.g (i) The smell of smoke clung to the fireman’s clothes for a long time .

Stay close to somebody/something e.g (i) One should not cling to the kerb ehile driving.

  1. Through thick and thin : through every obstacle,under all difficulties.e.g (i) The first dawn of comfort came to him in swearing to himself                                                                                     that he world stand by that boy through thick and thin and cheer and help him and bear his burdens.
  2. Make a personal diary.

Basics principles to develop writing skills

Basics principles to develop writing skills

Basics principles to develop writing skills

Irrespective of your age factor you can improve writing skill if you want to. Writing ability is the key to success in the modern era. The following tips will help you develop it.

  • Increase your word power  or bank of vocabulary

Thesaurus of words augments your writing power, It also aids in reading. The greater the vocabulary, you have the better the author you will be, and you have the better command over the language.

  • Learn grammar

No language goes without grammar, knowledge of grammar is essential for writing, speaking, understanding.

  • Develop reading habit

Reading helps you in understanding and knowledge; you become accustomed to the correct structure of the sentences acquainted with the use of the right word in the right place. Read news-paper, magazine or journals regularly.

  • You must have a standard dictionary

Whenever there is a word whose meaning you do not know, look up the dictionary and memorize its meaning, spelling, pronunciation, and its right use with the respect of nature.

  • Develop your imagination

Without imagination you cannot write no matter how great vocabulary you have. You can develop your imagination by reading, listening and observing.

  • Improve your knowledge of subject

If you lack knowledge of the subject you are unable to write even a single line.

  • Develop writing habit

Regularly write diary, notes, short stories, articles , short drama, or construct several sentences using a single difficult word.




We kept six honest working men they taught us all we know their names are WHAT and WHY and WHEN and WHERE and WHO.


The question is one of the keys to human behavior, achievement and cooperation. It unlocks problems that we experience during our working and out of work lives. However, it takes time and practice to develop the ability to ask the right question of the right person at the right time.

The question play a role of bridge between your known and unknown thoughts.

In order to ask appropriate questions, the skill is in learning to frame your questions to gain the required information. The tips below should help you to achieve this.

  • Plan your questions, make them trace the line of thought you plan to follow.
  • Make the wording definite, clear and concise. Your answers prefer to know exactly what they are being asked. There should be no ambiguity.
  • Make each question centre on only one idea. Do not combine two or three questions in one.
  • Take into consideration your perception as to your answers knowledge. At first, adapt your questions according to your perception of his or her ability and experience.
  • Allow for subsidiary questions. If your question is one that requires thought, replies that are very prompt often indicate that very little thinking has taken place on your answer’s part. Ensure that you follow-up  by asking subsidiary questions to force your answer to fully review the points under discussion. Their prompt response may be right, but don’t risk it!
  • Use What?, When?, How?,Where?, and Who?


Art of listening

Art of listening

Communication and listening

“Learning means keeping the mind open and active to receive all kinds of experience.”

We spend between 50% and 80% of our working hours spend in communicating.Atleast 45% of that communication time is spent in listening. In schools the percentage is even higher, with students spending between 60% and 70% of their class room time listening. And in the business world, listening is often cited as one of the top three most critically necessary managerial skills…Now depending on you —–adopt it or not.

Reasons for poor listening:

“You have two ears and one mouth because you should listen twice as much as you talk”


Commandments for good listening:

  1. Maintain aural health: Make sure that your hearing apparatus is in good health. There are many specialists who can check and assist you in this area.
  2. Train your ears: Consciously practice ‘analytical hearing’. This consists of getting yourself back to the ‘state of nature’ in which your mind and ears were attuned to all sounds in the environment, while at the same time concentrating on those that were most important.
  3. Maintain general health: ’A healthy mind in a healthy body’ – is a sound observation. If you maintain a general physical fitness, especially aerobic, all your senses will improve, including your hearing.
  4.  Stop tlking: you are not learning anything when you are talking, and you should aware of biases or values that distort what hear.
  5. Put the talker at ease: Make him at home so that he is free to talk.
  6. Show him you want to listen: Look and act interested. Do not read anything while he talks. Your lack of interest will discourage him, and developing the attitude of wanting to listen.
  7. Listen Opportunistically :When you are obliged to listen to something, even when it may be boring, always ask, ‘what’s in it for me?’
  8. Eye contact: Build eye contact with spokesman, and face toward the speaker.
  9. Listen Longer: It is often said that the wiser the person the less that person speaks and the more he or she (hoe) listens. In any listening situation, try to with-hold judgment until the speaker has finished speaking and your comprehension is complete. Try to avoid making a judgment before you have the whole picture.
  10.  Remove distraction: do not scrawl,tap or shuffle papers. It would be better if you shut the door. Privacy re-assures the speaker.
  11. Empathize with the talk and are close enough to hear:  Student makes you sober and worth speaking to try to put yourself in his place so that you can see his point of views.
  12. Challenge your brain: You can stimulate your brain and improve your overall learning and listening dskills by occasionally exposing yourself to more ‘advanced’ material. Try not to feel oppressed or to resist such difficult material, but to enter it with enthusiasm.
  13. Consciously work at listening: Actively decide that listening is going to become one of your personal skills, and in listening situations exhibit a truly active mental and body state, rather than faking attention.
  14. Be patient: do not interrupt him, allow plenty of time, do not start for the door or walk away, do not cut in, and do not interrupt especially to correct mistakes or make points.
  15. Hold your temper: If you lose your temper, you may get wrong perceptions, losing temper is your defeat.
  16. Listen for these essential phrases from the speaker: “This is important….”,”It is essential that you know this…”, and “you will need to know this for the test…”
  17. Use synesthesia: Synesthesia is your mental ability to blend your various senses, when you are listening, keep your other especially sight, actively involved. The more you can link your senses, the better your hearing, attention, understanding, and general learning will be.
  18.  Maintain an open mind:  When words are spoken that press your emotional triggers, try to interpret them in a more objective light, and to understand the perspective from which the speaker speaks. Even if you disagree, realize that the points of view you are hearing are indeed points of view, just as are yours.
  19. Use brain-speed : Your brain can think four to ten times faster than the speed of speech. Therefore, while you are listening, use your extra mental abilities to anticipate, organize, summarize, weigh, and compare arguments, listen between the lines, and interpret body language, etc . With especially slow speakers you can develop this skill more completely, rather than giving in to a tendency to day dream and lose concentration.
  20. Identify feelings: Identify feelings through non-verbal, voice tone and body language, study its gesture, or kinesics.
  21. Judge content, not delivery: While listening, try not to get involved in a ‘Superiority complex’ concerning any in adequacies in delivery and style that the speaker might have. Concentrate fully on the content.
  22. Listen for ideas: Your brain works more efficiently if it can grasp ‘ wholes’. Therefore listen for central themes rather than for individual facts. If you do this the facts will take care of themselves, linking easily to the main structures that your brain will construct when it listens for ideas.   
  23. Take it easy on arguments and criticism: How many calm you or get angry , in both cases he will lose.
  24. Take mind-map notes: In  conjunction with listening for ideas, your comprehension, understanding, retention, and recall will be far greater if you take highly efficient mind-map notes rather than standard lineal or list notes. Mind –map notes involve your entire left and right brains, and consequently improve overall listening performance dramatically.
  25. Disregard distractions: If there are distractions, do not get hung up on them Accept that they are there, and consciously remind yourself that your mind has the ability to block out, if it wishes, virtually anything it does not wish to pay attention to. Concentrate on the positive.
  26. Take breaks: Whenever possible, make sure that you have breaks from listening every thirty to sixty minutes (or your own fatigue time). These breaks will give your brain the time it needs for integration, as well as giving you far more of the primacy  effects.
  27. Use your imagination: Although listening may seem to be dealing with left side of brain words only, it is infact a whole brain process. So when you are listening towards, create, as much and as appropriately as you can, mental images of the ideas you are receiving.
  28. Listen with active pose: Develop the same physical attitude of poise and alertness when you are listening as an animal has when it is listening. Slouched and slumped postural attitudes will automatically collapse your listening abilities.
  29. Points without heading: 1-Look for the feelings and basic assumptions underlying remarks.2-Concentrate on what is being said, not what you want to hear. 3- Avoid rehearsing answers while the other person is talking.4-Do not insist on having the last word.5-Think ’around’ the topic and ‘between the lines’ ,also relate it to what you already know.6-Do not confuse listening with hearing.7- To listen you must be thinking. Listening is an active, not passive activity.
  30. Content and feeling: Include content and feelings.
  31. Summarize the lecture: Summarize what you understand the other person is saying.
  32. Remember you can continually improve with age: All listening skills will improve if they are nurtured in a mental environment of positive thought about age.
  33. Practice speaking communication skills : If you practice your own speaking communication skills, you will get a perspective on listening ‘from the other side’.

Art of listening

Reasons for poor listening

Reasons for poor listening


  • Competition for attention: It results when you are overly busy.
  • Failure to concentrate: Lack of concentration is the result of existing environment condition and sometimes speaker’s speed, which is greater than listener.
  • Emotions and feelings : Angry, shouting, grieved, and overly happy persons are poor listeners.
  • Evaluation : You stop listening when you become busy in evaluating the situation.
  • Sluggishness: When you let your mind wonder and when you just do not want to concentrate you are unable to listen.
  • Distraction: When your attention distracts from the speaker to some other object you cannot listen.
  • Language: When the speaker does not speak the language of the listener, the latter is unable to understand.
  • Exhaustion and drowsiness: When you are done up or feel like sleeping you cannot listen.
  • Topic: When the topic is uninteresting you become poor listener.
  • Rigid: When you rigid and says we do not need for this .